Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Purchasing Your First Guitar What You Need To Know

For many of you that are thinking about learning how to play the guitar, buying your first guitar can be confusing; there are so many options available to us that it can be down right frustrating. When purchasing a new guitar even advanced guitarists have trouble deciding on what they want or need. By following a few suggestions, you can make the whole process of buying a guitar that much easier.

The most important aspect of buying a guitar is to know what type of sound you are after. Certain guitars are better suited to a specific style of music; some guitars are specifically built to play jazz, blues, rock, or classical music, so before you buy your first guitar you must decide which style of guitar is right for the type of music that you altimetry want to play.

There are basically four types of guitars:

The electric guitar is possibly the most frequently played guitar in both rock and pop bands. Electric guitars are typically manufactured with a body that is solid. In order to get the most out of an electric guitar you will need an amplifier.

The acoustic guitar has a body that is hollow and uses wound steel strings to create the sound. You do not need an amplifier when playing an acoustic guitar.

There is the acoustic electric guitar, which is an acoustic guitar that has a pickup built into it. The acoustic electric guitar can be played with or without an amplifier.

Finally there is the classical guitar, which is one of the oldest types of guitars that were first contracted in its present day form in the 19th century Spain. A classical guitar uses guitar strings that are made out of nylon.

You can also buy guitars in various sizes. You can buy a guitar that is three quarter size and half size these are great for children. When you first begin to learn how to play the guitar it can be a tiny bit painful on the fingertips. Electric guitars and nylon strung guitars make it a lot easier on the fingertips.

Before you buy a guitar it is a good idea to listen to some of your favorite artists then do a search on the Internet or ask someone who knows what type of guitar was used in the recording. This way you will get a guitar that closely resembles the sound that you enjoy the most. It is also a good idea to know which style of music you will mostly be playing, as this will make the process of purchasing an electric guitar that much simpler.

New guitars can cost you any where from $75.00 to $10,000.00 and up, so when buying your first guitar it is vital that you do some research into the price of guitars Beware your local music store is not the place to do research into the price of guitars, why? Because your local music store has little or no competition.

If you want to know the true price of a guitar check out online auctions. Over the years I have purchased many new and used guitars at online auctions and have never had any problems, and I have saved myself hundreds of dollars. There are a lot of quality guitars available at a reasonable price; there is no need to spend a fortune to get a guitar that will meet your needs.

Finally purchase a guitar that will excite and motivate you to play. No matter how great a guitar is suppose to be if it doesn't feel right for you then it’s not the guitar for you. Take your time to shop around both online and in stores until you find that special guitar that screams, “take me”!!!

Buying a guitar is only the beginning of your musical journey! You will need a good guitar course that will take you from being an absolute beginner to an advanced guitarist, a guitar course that will take guesswork out of learning how to play the guitar.

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